Thursday, November 15, 2012

Two Months, Maternity Leave, and Back to Work

Wow.  That is all I can  Wowowow.

My nine weeks on maternity leave flew by - I can't believe I am on my third day back to work already.

Our two month photo shoot went well. She finally fits in this sleeper! At last we can expand her wardrobe to include all her adorable 0-3 months outfits. Addy is going to be one stylish little girl soon!

Being a 'stay-at-home-mom' for nine weeks was one of the most difficult, lonely, boring, fun, happy, and rewarding chapters in my life.  This kid is WORK...much moreso than I anticipated.

I thought that I would feel one of two ways once my maternity leave ended: so excited to go back to work OR so sad that I had to leave her at daycare (maybe even so sad that I would quit my job).  I never thought that I would feel both simultaneously, and yet here I am...talking to vendors and working on complicated projects, all while wistfully counting the hours until I get to see her little face again.

I realized yesterday that I'll maybe get two good hours a day with her during the workweek.  This, to be honest, sucks big time.  An hour of smiles and giving her a bottle when she wakes up, and then another hour of quality time when we get home before she starts getting tired and cranky.
Two hours?!  What the heck?!  Isn't this MY kid?  Oy.

But that's what we do I guess...we let other people raise our kids so that we can better provide for them.  The day Addy calls one of the daycare workers 'Mom' I am going to flip my lid.