Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Time flies when you're having fun.

The past couple months have been a whirlwind.  We made it through our first holiday season with baby in tow.  It was exhausting, and it was fun.  It tooks Ads a week to recover.  2013 will undoubtedly bring a new set of challenges and triumphs for us to speed through. 

Addy and I have a resolution, which is to eat less sugar.  Notice my crafty, vague phrasing.  Less sugar than whom?  Seriously though, we're going to make a conscious effort.  If you are familiar with the loving relationship I have with candy, you can surely agree that it's a necessary step...if for no other reason than Addy NOT having a junkfood complex like her mother.

Tim recently returned from California, where he had a whopping 10 job interviews in just two days at the Econ job market conference.  He's feeling good about how they went...so now, we wait.  Wait for 2nd interviews, flyouts, job offers.  We'll go where the wind takes us, but we are really hoping it doesn't blow us too far.  Grand Rapids has a nice ring to it (come on, GVSU!).

Addy is now 4 months and 4 days old.  She has 2 teeth, can roll over from her stomach to her back, and enjoys speaking in her self-created language (composed primarily of the word "gggguh", which means Mom).

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