Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Getting close...

Due date is 4 days away!  I am so very excited.

Yesterday we had our 39 week check-up.  In case anyone cares, I am ONE WHOLE CENTIMETER dilated!!!  Woohoo - now that's progress!

The doctor offered to 'sweep my membranes' (in my opinion, just a fancy way of saying 'stick my arm up you and prod your cervix') which I declined with a smile. 
Then she tried to schedule an induction exactly one week after the due date, which I also declined.
Then she said with a laugh, "Well, you must just loooove being pregnant!" 
I laughed back and said, "Actually, I've hated nearly every minute of it."

...but that's not really true.  In reality, I'd guess I've hated about 65% of it.  You know, the puking, nauseous, heartburn-y, painful, swollen, waddling, extremely uncomfortable part of it. 
But I have definitely loved some parts of it too.

I have LOVED feeling Addy kick, roll around, strech out...loved watching my belly swing around wildly in all directions as she tries to get comfy...loved knowing that soon, soon I'll have a little person out here in the world to take care of.

See, I know myself too well to entertain any of this sweeping, inducing business.  I know that I am, without a doubt, the most ridiculously impatient person alive.  I mean, I want to give people their Christmas presents as soon as I have them wrapped.  Regardless of if it's December yet.

So make no mistake, Doctor.  I want this kid here NOW.  But maybe, maybe this isn't something to be rushed. 

Maybe all this little girl wants is to come into this world on her own time.  Maybe she's nothing like me.  Maybe she loves suspense and drawing out the inevitable.  Maybe she's getting a kick out of keeping us waiting.  Maybe she's not planning on coming out...not until the whole world is shouting, "You haven't had that kid yet?" at her poor, enormous mother.

1 comment:

  1. I don't know what was worse, having people tell me to be patient and she will be here "before I know it" or having people constantly ask me if she was here yet. Good job on your patience, I hope you have a fantastically easy labor, and I look forward to seeing pictures of your cutie!
