Friday, September 21, 2012


I cannot believe we've had this little cutie in our care for over a week now.

We've learned a lot:

1. We have the most amazing friends and family in the world.
I knew they were great people...but I was still blown away by the kindness and generosity shown to us.  We became responsible for feeding ourselves again (meaning, out of the hospital) starting on Friday, 9/15.  Since then, we have not had to actually make one single meal ourselves.  With the exception of cereal for breakfast, everything we've eaten (even snacks) has been prepped and/or delivered by someone awesome.  PLUS a couple gift cards we've received to go towards a quick shopping trip or take-out meal.
Thank you all - it has meant so much to us!
I love to cook.  But, if I had to cook during this last week and a half, I would have gotten so much less sleep...and I'm positive I would have eventually burned the place down, due to forgetting to turn the stove off.  There is no way I would be feeling as good and semi-rested as I do right now without all of your help.  You rock.  :)

2. This kid is good, quality entertainment.
She squeaks, she grunts, she belches like a sailor, and she makes faces that have us cracking up constantly.
She is just so cute.  I could watch her for hours.

3. This kid is a pain.
If she gets even the slightest bit cold, she melts down.  Check her diaper...the second the air hits she cries.  I'm talking, scream-bloody-murder when a wipe barely grazes her skin.  We have to work on that.
She went through 22 diapers yesterday.  I wish I were exaggerating.

4. This kid is the love of my life.
I was not prepared for this.  I knew I would love my daughter, no matter's what parents do, right?  But, I was not ready for how wholly I would love her.  How every time she cried, I would feel so sorry for not being able to figure out how to make everything better.

5. Before she was born, we had more free time than we realized.
We were very busy people: working full-time jobs, visiting friends and family, playing trivia at City Limits with friends once or twice a week, watching 30 Rock while leisurely enjoying the latest dinner I'd concocted...very busy indeed.
I barely have time to shut the box of Honey Nut Cheerios before I toss it back in the cupboard.
The main thought on my mind at all times is: when did she eat last?  I am living my life in 3 hour increments.
My 'free time' (i.e. when Addy's sleeping) goes to either doing the dishes, prepping bottles, straightening up my bed/living room for visitors, or trying to catch a precious hour of sleep myself.

Yes, we've learned a lot already...and we've only just begun!

One Week Old

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