Saturday, September 15, 2012

She's Here!

Being a day past our due date, this morning we had a series of tests scheduled.  I got strapped to a machine that tracked Addy's heartbeat along with my contractions, or lack thereof.  Then, we got another ultrasound!  Unfortunately, the coolest part of this one was getting to see a shot of her foot.  They were mostly just looking out for any problems.

Well, there was one: my amniotic fluid was low.  Nothing too scary, but low enough for the doctor to schedule a 2pm induction.


Wow, how time has flown!  I started writing this post on 9/10 from my hospital bed after being admitted for my induction!  So, a quick update on the last few days to get us all up to speed:

By 3pm I had been given some medication to start my contractions.  It worked.  It worked so well that they didn't need to give me more than one dose, and I didn't need any pitocin or any other drugs to get things underway.  I have to wonder if Addy was planning on coming so soon anyways!

After 13 hours of labor (I'll spare you the details on how mind-blowingly painful the contractions were, the blood & guts of it all, and anything related to tearing and stitches) and only about 15 minutes of pushing, Adelyn Lorraine arrived!  She was a grayish, slimy, little alien at first...but, no worries, once they cleaned her up she looked a whole lot cuter.

We had gotten about 5 hours of sleep in the last 48 hours by the time Wednesday morning rolls around.  We spent all day (and all day Thursday) in a whirlwind of feedings, diapers, and nurses.  We started getting to know Addy.  Not only is she adorable, but she'll most likely also be the smartest kid to ever live.

We got home around 8pm.  One adventure complete; a better one just beginning.

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