Thursday, August 9, 2012

Ready to be a mom?

Uhm...I guess so.  Maybe?

People like to remind me that I only have about a month to go with this whole pregnancy thing. 
"Not much longer now," they'll happily exclaim, as I waddle past.
Really?  I hadn't realized!  Thanks for reminding me!

I know that they're just being nice, making small talk, etc.  I'll wave, or smile, or say something like, "yep, she's almost here!"  I don't share the fact that deep down, I'm pretty terrified.

Me?  a Mom?  There must be some mistake.
Moms are responsible!  They know how to fix everything!  They are channels of endless wisdom!  Me, on the other  I still eat sugar cereal!  I don't vacuum our house for months at a time!  I like Spongebob Squarepants!

Deep breath.

In general, the unknown is what scares me.  Doesn't it most people?
I think I'm going to be a good mom, but I don't know for sure.  I can't.  I've never done this before.  All I can know for sure is that my life is about to change drastically, and that everyone I know says it will be for the better.  I'll be keeping that thought in my head for the next month, until I get to find out for myself.

I know I shouldn't be so worried about it.  I'll adapt to our new life, I'll be just fine.

Now that I think about it...sugar cereal and Spongebob?  I'm going to be the coolest mom on the planet.

1 comment:

  1. Just getting caught up on your blog. LOVE IT! I clearly hadnt read this post before I called you the other day and chose to start the convo with "its getting so close!". Oops. ;)
